
The Art of Building a Healthy Relationship with Your Virtual Assistant

If you have a virtual assistant, chances are, you rely on them to get things done for you. So it’s important to communicate effectively with your VAs if you want a healthy working relationship. Here are some tips on building a healthy Virtual Assistant Relationship.

1. Give clear instructions

  • Your Virtual Assistant is not a mind reader, so make sure you give them clear and concise instructions. This means specifying exactly what you want them to do, as well as any deadlines or other parameters. If there’s any confusion, it can lead to delays and other problems in the future.

2. Give your Virtual Assistant time to do their work

  • Being a virtual assistant is not easy. It takes time and effort to accomplish the tasks you give your Virtual Assistants, so make sure that you give them enough of it! For more complex or time-consuming projects, plan out a timeline with your VA beforehand.

3. Be patient and accept mistakes

  • As with any job, it’s important to be understanding if your Virtual Assistants make a mistake. They’ll feel bad about making that error, so if they apologize or ask for help with fixing their mistake, give them the time they need to fix the problem. Also, remember that you’re not paying your Virtual Assistants per task, so a few mistakes here and there is not a big deal. 
Virtual Assistant Relationship

4. Accept that communication isn’t always perfect

  • Unfortunately with Virtual Assistants, communication can be an issue sometimes. You might have to rely on email or other forms of written communication with your VA, which doesn’t always lead to the best results. That being said, remember that the person you’re talking to is still human and deserves to be treated with respect.

5. Reward your Virtual Assistant when they do something well

  • One way you can improve the quality of your Virtual Assistant’s work is by rewarding them when they do something well. This can be in the form of a verbal compliment, a bonus, or just some acknowledgment that you’re happy with their work.

Overall, communication is key when it comes to working with a virtual assistant. If you are clear and concise in your instructions, give your VA enough time to do their work, and are patient and understanding when mistakes are made, then you should be able to have a productive and healthy virtual assistant relationship. Don’t give up if a conflict arises. If you can work through things, you can often have an even stronger working relationship.