
How Dr. Jessica Cleared Her Plate With a Virtual Assistant

As a nutritionist, Dr. Jessica Titchenal’s most important job is helping others figure out how to feel as strong, energized, and badass as they possibly can. After years of putting in the work running her rapidly-growing nutrition consulting and coaching business by herself, she was thrilled to see how many people from all walks of life she was able to help with her services. 

However, despite her skyrocketing success, something was off. Even though Dr. Jessica was empowering more people than ever—both her own nutrition clients and the other professionals she coached—she found herself feeling Bran-Flakes-blah. When time that should have been reserved for weekend fun with her friends and family turned into slogging through hours of non-nutrition tasks that left her feeling uninspired, she knew she had to do something about how she felt before she could help a single other client. 

“It’s really hard to run a business when you’re wearing all of the hats and you have a finite amount of time in the week.”

Help! I Need Somebody (Not Just Anybody)

Dr. Jessica determined that in order to grow her business, life as a solo entrepreneur wasn’t going to cut it anymore. She had to build the right team to help her achieve her goals, but she couldn’t hire just anyone. Because of her uber-diverse clientele— inclusive of doctors with multiple degrees, busy moms, working professionals, and neurodivergent children—she needed to bring on a true culture fit. She dreamed of finding someone who could show up on day one and magically get it

But there was another problem Dr. Jessica had to solve first; she lacked the time, energy, and human resources skill set to screen candidates to find that perfect, Jerry Maguire, You-Complete-Me match. As she pondered her predicament, she kept reaching the same conclusion: “I can’t do this alone.” 

A few Google searches later, Dr. Jessica found the matchmaker she had wished for in Linq Consulting Solutions. Suddenly, the answer was as clear as 8 glasses of water a day. A Virtual Assistant could help her get where she needed to go with her nutrition business, without losing herself and her precious free time in the process. After discussing her schedule, needs, and goals with Riah and her team, Dr. Jessica was surprised to learn that there was even more work she could offload to a VA than she thought—work that she didn’t even realize she was doing!

“[Riah] encouraged me to think of think of different things I could delegate that I might not have considered prior.”

Getting to Know You

Once Dr. Jessica figured out exactly what she wanted to offload to a VA, Riah and the Linq team got to work identifying the right assistant for the job. Using the proven, in-depth Extended DISC Test, Riah and Dr. Jessica were able to hyper-focus on the qualities that made Dr. Jessica an effective leader while learning more about how she communicated. This helped the Linq team and Dr. Jessica determine exactly what a person who could help her beat the business blues would look like. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Jessica was able to interview the list of candidates provided by Linq, and was surprised at how easily and naturally the conversations flowed after taking the Extended DISC results into account. 

“The Extended DISC alone, I think is incredibly valuable. Not only the knowledge that you get about yourself, how you communicate, and what other people need to know about you, but then [how it helps] when you're starting to add to your team.”

Soon, Dr. Jessica’s business grew by not one, but two amazing Virtual Assistants, perfectly picked for her using the detailed screening process set out by Linq. Despite having just met, Dr. Jessica and her two new VAs, Angel and Lyza, were able to start off strong. It was like they had been friends and colleagues for years—no cheesy, getting-acquainted montage required.

“We’ve got that cohesion and that solid communication from the beginning, rather than trying to stumble our way through getting to know everyone and their work style.”

The Doctor Is All-In

Immediately after hiring her dream assistants, Dr. Jessica was able to offload the parts of her work she didn’t find personally motivating or rewarding. She was ecstatic to discover that Angel and Lyza were highly qualified (and excited!) to do those types of tasks. The jobs she had previously dreaded went poof! as one by one, they disappeared from her lengthy to-do list. 

Thanks to the effort Riah and the Linq team had already put in when finding and interviewing candidates, Dr. Jessica didn’t have to worry about whether the women she had ultimately selected were the right fit. It was clear right away that both of them had the chops to get the job done quickly and correctly. More than that, she knew that she was working with like-minded people; people with whom she could communicate naturally. It was as if Dwayne Johnson himself had lifted the weight off of her shoulders.

“When it’s your business, and it’s your baby, you can feel very stressed or nervous about handing some of those elements over to somebody else. I don’t have those concerns right now because I feel really confident with the candidates I was able to hire.”

As her plate emptied, Dr. Jessica found renewed joy in helping her clients understand what they should be putting on theirs. Where she had previously been feeling tired and overworked, returning to her passion full-time helped her remember what she loved about her business after months of struggling under the weight of tedious administrative work.

“I have more time to do what I’m best at; what I’m trained for, what I’m qualified for.”

Feeling Fabulous

In addition to helping her clients improve their personal wellness and nutrition businesses, Dr. Jessica was able to do the most important, satisfying work of all—spending some free time on herself and her loved ones. With the extra brain space available to decompress, Dr. Jessica was finally able to take her own advice and do what she helps her clients do every day: reclaim her precious energy.

“Instead of working through the weekends I can actually have family time and self-care time; it’s cleared space for me.”

Ready to take control of your nutrition and feel amazing in your body? Run, don’t walk, to check out Dr. Jessica’s services here. Chasing that clear-calendar high? Say no more. Schedule a consultation with Riah and the Linq team today—you deserve it.