
Virtual Assistant

Let's Stick Together

Our Virtual Assistant Matchmaking program isn’t just about finding the next available person to help you out:

We take your specific needs and goals, your purpose and passion, and we help look for a virtual assistant that matches your pace, anticipates your needs, and empowers you to be the leader you already are.

Do I Even Need A Virtual Assistant?

We get it: you’re busy, and you have to be. Success doesn’t always come easy, but it doesn’t mean you have to go through it alone. At Linq, we believe that a ‘virtual assistant’ is more than just a secretary: they’re empowered women who will learn by doing. We’re not just helping you find someone to push papers around: We’re committed to connecting two professionals forge a growth mindset together, empowering each other throughout their journey to success.

Can Linq Find a VA that Can Do What I Need?

During our Discovery Call, we will help you narrow down the best-fit role for your new team member. Whether you need an ideal Executive Assistant or a VA with specialized skills – we can help. With the exception of Social Sellers and Sales VAs, we can find highly qualified Virtual Staff that will exceed your expectations.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Top Benefits Of Hiring A Virtual Assistant

Puzzle Bulb
No Office Space, Equipment, or Overhead Cost
Inserting coin in a pigging bank
Reduce Training Time and Cost
Person loving herself more
They Help You Be Your Best Self
Arrow pointing upstairs for the flag
Helps You Scale Up or Grow Your Business
Person leading a team
Allows You to
Practice Your Leadership Skills

The Philippines has one of the fastest growing economies in Asia, and while that means an influx of prosperity and lucrative opportunities, it also means fierce and often ruthless competition in the Philippine business space. Linq’s Virtual Assistant Matchmaking program allows women from back home to help their fellow professionals from the other side of the world grow and shine, giving them opportunities that they might not have received in their country.

Here’s how it works:

Number 1

Our clients schedule a consultation with us where we work together in figuring out their exact needs. We then design a custom-made job posting that allows us to whittle down the applicant list to only the most qualified candidates.

Number 2

Next, Linq collates the candidates and further refines the bunch, ensuring that the candidates we will refer to you match the needs of your company. Once we come up with a list of potential virtual assistants, our team screens them further via an initial personality and fit interview. The interview is recorded for our clients to watch on a later date.

Number 3

After the initial interview, the qualified candidates are then given a sample task to complete, showing off their amazing skills and wowing you with their personality. At the end of the process, we’ll short-list three potential virtual assistants for our clients to choose form. Once they’ve made their choice, we help you onboard them to your company’s business process.

Not sure where to begin with a Virtual Assistant?
Woman sitting in her desk

Still need help deciding?

We get it, there’s only so much we can say on this website. How about booking a consultation call with us instead? Allow us to help you connect with a fellow empowered professional and let’s discuss the best way you could achieve your success. We’d love to sit down and get to know each other better over a cup of coffee! Schedule your consultation.