
How Amanda Got Back to Business Basics with a Virtual Assistant

Amanda Bedell has made an incredible career out of her ability to intuitively understand what clients need, then nail it through a meticulous, systematic approach. She’s a rock star in the marketing, business communications, and consulting spaces, with over 15 years of experience at her disposal. 

However, when Amanda, the Chief Business Growth Strategist at her company BCC Business Consulting, started feeling more like Chief Inbox Excavator, burnout began to hit hard. Where she should have been swimming in profits, new leads, and great reviews, she only felt like she was drowning in emails. Though she wanted to focus on the type of work that inspired her to begin her consulting career in the first place, she found herself on a never-ending hamster wheel of administrative task after administrative task. She knew that without changing her day-to-day operations, she’d never experience the exponential growth she envisioned for this stage in the life of her business.

Finding the Missing Linq

Amanda’s line of work is one where hollow promises are all too common. Even though she had devised proven systems in her own business to ensure no client left her office with empty hands and empty pockets, she was naturally wary of reaching out for support. That is, until she found Linq Consulting Solutions’ Virtual Assistant Matchmaking program. 

Of course! A Virtual Assistant could give her back the time she needed to do business basics building work while helping her to Marie-Kondo her inbox and find a proper home for all those disparate places she was keeping lead gen information (the Notes app, random Word documents, the backs of receipts…napkins…). She signed up for a consultation, explaining that she needed an extra set of hands to give her back that lovin’ feelin’ when it came to work.

Together with Riah and the Linq team, Amanda created a list of goals a VA could enable her to achieve, and it was off to the races. Within weeks of that initial conversation, the Linq team had screened and passed along a catalog of impressive, skilled women ready to get to work.

"Riah and her team take all the stress out of finding the perfect match quickly and easily. I wish I could have hired every candidate I interviewed. They were qualified and eager to grow my company. The highlight of my experience was definitely how quick the process was! It was awesome to have a qualified candidate hired in under a month.”

No Longer a One-Woman-Show

Linq’s work didn’t stop once Amanda had selected her perfect VA match. After all, she had gotten so used to doing everything herself, figuring out what and how to have her new assistant take off her plate was an unfamiliar (yet completely exciting) prospect. Luckily, any trepidation she had about delegating to and managing an employee from the Philippines flew out the window after meeting again with Riah, who was more than happy to spend as long as she needed going over tips and tricks for foolproof communication and creating a totally harmonious workflow.

“I felt supported in how to onboard an out-of-country employee, and in setting expectations on what I should offload. Plus, my assistant takes tasks and runs with them! I don’t have to teach her stuff; she just does it!”

Burnout Be Gone

Amanda in a group, smiling

With the help of her new virtual assistant, Amanda is not only able to finally escape her inbox, but she’s well on her way to automating other previously time-consuming processes like lead generation. With so much time freed up by her VA, Amanda can finally commit to a few acts of self-care during the week, so she can be ready to take on anything her clients throw at her.

“The Linq VA Matchmaking System is solid and works. I’ve only had the assistant I hired for a few weeks but she is professional, friendly, and flexible. I appreciate her experience with a larger company because she’s helping me build systems that will allow us to scale. She’s helping me build this company from the ground up. It’s so awesome to have someone who ‘gets it’.”

If you’re looking to earn the paycheck you deserve, retain or hire a team, create effective marketing campaigns, and implement money-saving systems, Amanda’s your girl. Check out her work at https://bccbusinessconsulting.com.


Want a one-of-a-kind virtual assistant like Amanda’s? You’re already in the right place. Let’s get started.